Resources for Our Customers

F.A. Days realizes that our customers lead busy lives and their fuel and service needs can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful. F.A. Days strives to help make these things as routine and comforting as possible. Below are some helpful resources for our customers. Our office staff and service team are here to assist you!


Long Point Lighthouse on Cape Cod

Our Out-of-Gas Policy and Procedures

In the event that you run out of gas, F.A. Days has specific procedures to ensure your safety and the prompt restoration of service:

Close the service valve and shut off appliance valves: If you run out of gas, close the service valve on the propane storage tank and shut off all appliance valves.

Contact F.A. Days & Sons, Inc.: Call us immediately at (508) 487-0041. It is essential that you are at home so we can check your entire gas system for leaks and relight pilots, if necessary.

Special trip requests: Depending on staff availability, you may request a special trip other than your regular scheduled day during office hours (8am – 5pm, Monday – Friday). Additional charges may apply for after-hours, weekend, or holiday calls.

Charges for out-of-gas situations: Customers on “Automatic or Budget” with accounts in good standing will not be charged for out-of-gas situations. However, “Will Call” and/or “COD” customers will incur a $140.00 fee, and overdue automatic or budget accounts will also be subject to the same fee. Overdue account balances must be paid at the time of delivery, in addition to the fees.

Ordering fuel as a will-call customer: Will-call customers are responsible for monitoring their own propane levels and scheduling deliveries accordingly. To ensure uninterrupted service, it is recommended to order a delivery before your tank goes below 30% capacity.

Consequences of running out of propane: F.A. Days will not be responsible for any damages or harm resulting from running out of propane, including frozen pipes, damage to building structures or contents, and bodily harm.

For will-call customers, please keep in mind that emergency deliveries may not always be available and are subject to certain timeframes and additional fees.

Your safety and the safety of your property are of utmost importance to us. By adhering to proper propane safety guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of propane with peace of mind. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.