Propane and Oil Usage Policies for Landlords and Tenants

Landlord Policies for Tenant Propane and Oil Usage

As a landlord preparing to rent your property, it is critical to understand the policies regarding tenant propane and oil usage. Below are your options for managing billing responsibilities and ensuring smooth transitions:

  • Transfer Billing Responsibility: If you prefer not to be accountable for your tenant’s propane or oil bills, please contact F.A. Days in advance to transfer the responsibility.
  • Automatic Delivery Maintenance: To continue automatic delivery and handle the bills yourself, no action is needed. We recommend providing your tenant’s contact information for emergency purposes.
  • Tenant Management: If you want your tenant to manage propane or oil usage and payments, inform our office about the rental duration. Ensure your tenant sets up an account with F.A. Days. All balances must be cleared before transferring the account.

Coordinate with your tenant about responsibility for service and maintenance tasks, and inform F.A. Days to facilitate efficient problem-solving.

Please note:

  • F.A. Days is not liable for tenant negligence that results in damage to property, appliances, or heating/cooling systems.
  • F.A. Days will not be responsible if a tenant fails to ensure a sufficient propane supply.
  • An empty tank after tenant occupancy is not the liability of F.A. Days, and our standard out-of-gas policy will apply.

We strongly advise all landlords to familiarize themselves with our detailed tenant policies.

Policies for Residential and Commercial Tenants

If you are a tenant responsible for managing propane or oil services at your property, please follow these steps to set up and maintain your account with F.A. Days:

  • Will-call C.O.D. Status: Monitor your own tank and arrange deliveries. Payment is required at or before delivery. Note: Our out-of-gas/oil policy will apply.
  • Automatic Payment: Keep a credit or debit card on file for automatic payments to remain on our “1 bill – 1 fill” automatic delivery schedule. If your card becomes invalid, your account will switch to will-call status.
  • Deposit: Leave a deposit based on your tank’s size and fill cost. This keeps your account on a “1 bill – 1 fill” status. Overdue accounts revert to will-call, using the deposit to cover any outstanding balance. Upon lease termination, the deposit may be used for your final delivery or refunded.

Any service calls made by tenants are their responsibility unless landlord confirmation is provided to cover the cost.

Note: These policies also apply to properties supplied with oil by F.A. Days. While specific delivery times cannot be guaranteed, we provide approximate delivery windows and days.